
Recipe: Chocolate Biscuit Pudding


  1. 300g Marie Biscuits
  2. 250g Icing Sugar
  3. 100g MeadowLea
  4. 02 tablespoons of Cocoa Powder
  5. 01 Egg
  6. Cashews
  7. 02 cups of Fresh Milk
  8. 01 tablespoon of Vanilla Essence

Cooking Method

  • Add MeadowLea, the egg, vanilla and icing sugar in a bowl and mix well.
  • Mix the 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder to the mixture.
  • Soak some Marie biscuits in milk and spread them on a flat pan. (with no gaps between them)
  • Spread the previously prepared icing mixture on the biscuits so as to cover the biscuits.
  • Put another layer of biscuits on top. Spread the icing mixture. (Make as many layers as you like)
  • Finally, scatter some finely chopped cashew pieces on top, refrigerate for about 2 hours and serve.