
Recipe: Bread Pudding


  1. 06 Bread Slices
  2. 02 Eggs
  3. 50 g Sugar
  4. 01 cup Fresh Milk
  5. 50 g MeadowLea Fat Spread
  6. ½ cup Wine / Brandy
  7. ½ teaspoon Cinnamon Powder
  8. Small piece of Nutmeg
  9. 01 teaspoon Vanilla
  10. 50 g Plums

Cooking Method

  • Cut the bread slices into pieces.
  • Grease the baking tray with MeadowLea.
  • Put some plums to soak in wine.
  • Put the fresh milk in a bowl and let it heat. Next, add vanilla, sugar, cinnamon powder and nutmeg and mix well.
  • Then, mix the MeadowLea to the milk mixture. Add the beaten eggs and mix well using a whisk. Then add the bread crumbs to the mixture and soak it well.
  • Take some of the soaked bread, place them on the baking tray and add some plums on top. Add another layer of soaked bread pieces and some plums on top.
  • Bake at 180⁰C for 40 minutes.