
Recipe: Tea Buns


  1. 300g Flour
  2. ½ cup lukewarm water
  3. 1 tablespoon of Yeast
  4. 1 teaspoon of Salt
  5. 30g MeadowLea
  6. 30g Milk Powder
  7. 60g Sugar

Cooking Method

  • First, dissolve 2 teaspoons of 60g of sugar in lukewarm water. Add yeast to it and mix well.
  • Then mix the sugar, salt, milk and flour together. Now add the MeadowLea to this mixture and mix well. Mix the yeast mixture with this flour mixture and prepare a flour dough. Leave the dough to rise for about an hour.
  • Roll this prepared dough and cut it into equal parts and make balls out of it. Flatten the balls and let it rest for about 30 minutes, heat the oven at 140⁰C and bake for 20 – 25 minutes.